And the Hulie goes to....
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog!
Here's what the show had to say about their boffo win:
Dear Hulu Awards,
Thank you very much for awarding us (Dr. Horrible) the Best Web Original Award. We are a web original so it was absolutely the correct category to put us in. To be serious for a brief moment, we are flattered. It is a joy to work in this vibrant, new medium and we couldn't have done it without the support of the fans.
[some portions deleted as they would spoil the announcement of another award(s). Please keep your eye out for the message in its entirety.]
Thank you very, very much,
The Doctors Horrible
I'm not trying to drop any names, but, at least on twitter, the Doctors Horrible are Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen Whedon (writers, actors, singers, and all around fun guys) and we're honored that they chose to send us an acknowledgement of the award. Thank you, Team Whedon, keep up the good work and send us more Dr. Horrible.
The other nominees for the final vote were:
National Geographic Animals
National Geographic Environment
National Geographic Travel
OK, let's be honest. When you look at the rest of the nominees, it's no wonder that Dr. Horrible swept the category (it was also the audience vote favorite, netting a Awards-Season-best 99% of the vote). I could not remember what other shows were in this category originally, so I looked it up. Here's a link to the entire category on Hulu: http://www.hulu.com/channels/Web
I would have thought that at least some of those had to be more interesting than National Geographic specials. But if not, it just proves that one thing we need way more of in this world (and on the web, of course) is Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.
Although I love the entire thing, I think probably my favorite part is watching Dr. Horrible (Neil Patrick Harris) singing "Brand New Day" (clip above). Just the way that slow smile builds on his face and we get to watch his mouth move along rapidly. Then he does that thing with his fingers . . . .you have to see it to get what I'm saying, but as Felicia Day sings in Commentary! The Musical (by the way, if you don't have the DVD for Dr. Horrible yet, Commentary! alone is worth the price), "that intro's unreal."
I'm ready for the next chapter anytime, guys.
I vote for Pink Slip- best new
comedy webisode - by Muriel Campbell.
All Pink Slip episodes can be seen
at our website at http://pinkslip.tv/
Pink Slip is a romantic comedy for tough economic times. It asks the question of how far would you go if you were pink slipped, evicted and orphaned all at once. This webisode is "Sex & the City" meets "Tootsie" meets "Rent"....when fashionista Suzie meets unemployed, sexy Max, sparks will fly in this hilarious webisode.
Up for this. i totally agree with the award to be given.
Pink Slip webisode http://pinkslip.tv/ should win the Hulu award for best new webisode.
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