We are down to the five official nominees for "Best Competitive Reality Show!"
Hulu Review readers and the general public can still cast their votes in the comments section of this post. The total audience vote is equal to the vote of one panel member. In addition, the show that gets the most audience votes will be recognized during the Awards Ceremony.
Let's see what got the competitive juices flowing for our panelists:
A good-hearted show that never fails to wring tears from the inspirational stories of its contestants. Trainers Bob and Jillian have become the touchstones of the show's success.
Gordon does his damnedest to make a group of aspiring chefs cry. The challenges and the dinner services are always full of desperate tension, and that's good television.
Jay Mohr may be gone from center stage, but the concept lives on, fueled by the funniness of the undiscovered comic contestants who turn up every year.
The backroom workings of the fashion industry are dissected as a group of always-colorful aspiring designers try to convince us that their bold vision is more chic that chit.
It only takes a $100,000 prize to get these catty aspiring supermodels to tear each other to shreds. The ensuing dogfight was enough to make this show the top vote-getter from our audience.
Hell's Kitchen
last comic standing
Make Me a Supermodel
Make me a supermodel
Top Chef
make me a supermodel
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