Friday, October 10, 2008

Hulu vs. YouTube: The Latest

Apparently YouTube and Hulu are battling it out for online viewing dominance. Personally, I think each site is best served doing what it does best-- Hulu is where you go for professional content to replicate your tv viewing experience, while YouTube is where you go to get amateur (or illicit) content, which has its own special charm.

But the online giants refuse to recognize my simplistic division, and so the viewing audience is treated to the spectacle of a battle among behemoths.

Today, YouTube struck a blow against Hulu's wheelhouse by getting CBS to post some full-length online episodes.

"For now a select group of old and new shows will appear, including "MacGyver," "Star Trek" and the original "Beverly Hills 90210," the season premieres of Showtime's "Dexter" and "Californication," and current episodes of "The Young and the Restless."

You can read the full article here:

The gist is that CBS has begun an ongoing relationship with YouTube. They don't have much on there yet, but I imagine that if all goes well, they'll expand their offerings. Worse, YouTube has debuted a "Theater Viewer" that simulates the Hulu video experience.

This is just one development, and I'm sure Hulu will continue to thrive. Hulu's been growing at a phenomenal rate, and is just starting to figure out how to capitalize on its content.

We'll see whether, a year from now, CBS is better served on YouTube than Fox and NBC are at Hulu.


The Hulu Man

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